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Mandate For Dual Signatures

There may be occasions where customers need to provide two signatures to authorise the Direct Debit Mandate, and so a paper version of the Mandate is required. GoCardless provide a feature where the Direct Debit Mandate can be downloaded and printed, then signed and uploaded to their website.

To use this feature, the Paylink should be emailed to the customer in the usual way. When the customer clicks on the Paylink and is taken to the GoCardless portal, GoCardless will confirm their name, address and contact details. Next, the customer can enter their bank details. In the following screen, GoCardless will confirm the bank details, and asks if the customer alone is able to authorise the bank details:

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Figure 1 | Authorise Direct Debits Alone

If this box is unticked, the following message appears:

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Figure 2 | Setup Direct Debit For Dual Signatures

Click on ‘Set up this Direct Debit’. Go Cardless will email the customer with the following instructions:

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Figure 3 | Complete Mandate Setup

When the customer clicks on ‘Complete Mandate Setup’, they are taken to a page where they can print the completed mandate, sign it, photograph it, and upload it back onto GoCardless. They can then submit the completed form.