As you add more and more mandates, you will be saving time by running a weekly or monthly payment collection process for multiple customers. You will therefore be creating a Batch of payments as opposed to processing individual payments. To create a 'Payment Batch' click on 'Payments'.
Figure 1 | Payments
The Payment screen will open.
Click on ‘New’ then ‘Create Payment Batch’.
Figure 2 | Payment Screen
The routine will pick up posted invoices within the parameters you set.
Figure 3 | Create Payment Batch Screen
NOTE: When you post a Sales Order or Sales Invoice, if you haven’t selected a GoCardless Mandate on the Invoice Fast Tab then do NOT toggle on the “Only Invoices with Valid Mandate”.
NOTE: We recommend that you do not toggle on the “Include Mandates that are Pending” switch. Some Mandates will remain as pending when they are awaiting a manual process in relation to dual signatures.
Payment entries that fit your parameters will then be created.
Figure 4 | Payment Entries
Any errors at this point will be notes against the payment entries.
Figure 5 | Payment Entries Errors
Select your payment and then click on ‘Process’ then ‘Send to GoCardless’.
However you can also do this from the Payment Entries screen and there are more options such as Retry and Resend, so see the next section for more details on Submitting Payments.
Figure 6 | Send To GoCardless
The tiles on your Role Centre will show the Status of your current payments.
Figure 7 | Status Of Current Payments
Failed Payments will appear in the Failed tile once the Notification from GoCardless has been processed. A failed payment is one with a status of Failed, Customer Approval Denied or Charged Back.
Payments that have been successfully collected will appear in the payout you receive from GoCardless for the scheme. These can be viewed via the Payouts tile.